主頁 " 花藝禮品 " 【花束】| 買花 | 訂花

顯示第 1 至 16 項結果,共 53 項



迷人的优雅Ambrosia 凝聚了 19 朵卡布奇诺玫瑰的迷人优雅。这些玫瑰呈现出独特的暖色调,散发出


蓝玫瑰 11 | 玫瑰 蓝玫瑰花束 "蔚蓝 "是一款迷人的花束,以 "蔚蓝 "为特色,让人潜入优雅的深渊。


婴儿花束 | 33 朵粉色和白色玫瑰 | 新的开始花艺组合 生日鲜花 真挚的情感绽放 纯真和


Be Mine 花束 | 厄瓜多尔红玫瑰和白色绣球 用 "Be Mine "来宣示你的爱,这是一束迷人的花束,可让你的爱人和你的朋友感受到你的爱。


"蓝色 "花束 - 静谧蓝色花朵的迷人组合 体验 "Bleue "花束的宁静 - 这束花由宁静的蓝色花朵组成,令人着迷。非常适合为任何场合或空间带来宁静的氛围。




蓝色激情 "花束 | 蓝色玫瑰和绣球花 沉醉于 "蓝色激情 "的迷人诱惑中,这是一款令人着迷的花束。




Delicate Elegance with Candy: The Candy bouquet is a delightful arrangement made with exquisite pink and white Ecuadorian roses, showcasing


咖啡花束 | 12 朵卡布奇诺玫瑰 用我们的 "咖啡 "花束唤醒您的感官。


欲望花束 橙色喷射玫瑰 迷人的花束组合 热情的花朵 大胆的情感 庆祝花束 火热的热情布置 充满活力的花束


迷人的魅力:迷人》将 19 朵卡布奇诺玫瑰与桉树搭配在一起,打造出一款精致清新的插花作品。浓郁温暖的


欣喜若狂花束 紫色闪光玫瑰 令人着迷的花艺组合 创意之花的盛宴 魅力和美丽的花朵 闪闪发光的花瓣布置 缥缈


童话花束 | 12 枝粉色玫瑰配婴儿气息 | 浪漫插花 爱的表达花 周年纪念花 异想天开的玫瑰


永恒的爱 "是由 19 朵厄瓜多尔红玫瑰组成的浪漫花束,与清新的桉树艺术地结合在一起。这款手工制作的花束蕴含着永恒的爱,是特殊时刻的最佳选择。


紫红色花束 | 粉色玫瑰配桉树 迷人的花艺组合 表达爱意的花朵 特别时刻的庆祝 优雅的插花作品

Flower Bouquet
A flower bouquet is a perfect choice when you need to give a gift for any occasion. Whether you are wishing somebody a happy birthday, saying congratulations, thanking somebody for something that they have done for you, or simply because you want somebody to know just how much you love and care for them, then you can’t go wrong with a stunning bouquet.

When you’re not sure what gift to buy for somebody who seems to have everything that they need or want to get something as a token of your love and appreciation to send a message that you’d struggle to put into words, you can do it with a beautiful flower bouquet.

We offer a range of bouquet options with something for everybody whether you need to cheer up a friend who is going through a tough time, want to wish somebody a happy birthday, congratulate somebody on their new job or a new qualification, welcome a baby into the world, or want to give romantic a flower bouquet to your significant other to let them know just how much you care for and appreciate them.

Choosing a Beautiful Bouquet from Lush Florist HK

Lush Florist HK offers a wide array of bouquets. You won’t find another online florist with the same expertise and emphasis on customer service as Lush Florist HK. There is a reason so many people choose to provide bouquets for holidays and celebrations.

Next-day delivery is available, making our gifts the perfect choice if you need to get something at the last minute. Have them delivered to yourself first or directly to your recipient anywhere in the Hong Kong Metropolitan area.