Gentle Grace



Embrace the gentle grace of a mother’s love with ‘Gentle Grace,’ a serene bouquet that combines the soft elegance of pink carnations with the delicate beauty of a rose garden. Each pink carnation embodies the tender care and nurturing spirit of a mother, while the array of roses in hues of blush and ivory whisper of timeless elegance. This bouquet is a poetic expression of the gentle grace with which mothers shower love upon their children, creating moments of tranquility and cherished memories.

Shipping & Delivery

Standard Delivery

Delivery by our courier team. Three delivery slots each day:

9am-1pm | 2pm-6pm | 6pm-10pm.

Delivery fee is HK$120. Free delivery for orders above HK$800.

Our delivery staff will make every effort to deliver the flower arrangement to the intended recipient. However, if no one is available at the delivery location, we will provide the recipient with information on where the arrangement has been left.

While we strive to incorporate the precise ingredients outlined in our recipes, occasional seasonal adjustments may be required, all with the aim of maintaining a consistent palette.