I Love You



Set hearts on fire with our alluring bouquet of red roses and delicate baby’s breath. The deep, rich crimson hues of the red roses symbolize passionate love and desire, making them a classic choice for expressing deep emotions.
Each rose in our bouquet is meticulously hand-picked for its velvety petals and intense coloration. The powerful and captivating presence of red roses evokes a sense of romance and elegance, making them an ideal gift for anniversaries, special occasions, or to simply ignite passion in your loved one’s heart.
Our expert florists skillfully arrange the red roses alongside delicate sprigs of baby’s breath, creating a visually striking composition. The soft white blossoms of the baby’s breath beautifully accentuate the boldness of the red roses, adding a touch of delicacy and enhancing the bouquet’s overall allure.

Shipping & Delivery

Standard Delivery

Delivery by our courier team. Three delivery slots each day:

9am-1pm | 2pm-6pm | 6pm-10pm.

Delivery fee is HK$120. Free delivery for orders above HK$800.

Our delivery staff will make every effort to deliver the flower arrangement to the intended recipient. However, if no one is available at the delivery location, we will provide the recipient with information on where the arrangement has been left.

While we strive to incorporate the precise ingredients outlined in our recipes, occasional seasonal adjustments may be required, all with the aim of maintaining a consistent palette.