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Journey into the cosmic expanse with “Universe,” a celestial bouquet that mirrors the vast beauty of the cosmos with purple hydrangeas and purple roses. Each bloom in this enchanting arrangement represents a star in the cosmic tapestry, twinkling with ethereal allure and mystery. The lush purple hydrangeas symbolize abundance and gratitude, while the deep-hued roses evoke a sense of cosmic wonder and introspection. Perfect for marking special occasions, expressing admiration, or simply marveling at the infinite wonders of the universe, “Universe” is a captivating tribute to the boundless beauty that surrounds us.


Shipping & Delivery

Standard Delivery

Delivery by our courier team. Three delivery slots each day:

9am-1pm | 2pm-6pm | 6pm-10pm.

Delivery fee is HK$120. Free delivery for orders above HK$800.

Our delivery staff will make every effort to deliver the flower arrangement to the intended recipient. However, if no one is available at the delivery location, we will provide the recipient with information on where the arrangement has been left.

While we strive to incorporate the precise ingredients outlined in our recipes, occasional seasonal adjustments may be required, all with the aim of maintaining a consistent palette.