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Dive into the depths of elegance with “Azure,” a captivating bouquet featuring rich, dark blue roses accented by fragrant eucalyptus

Be Mine

Declare your love with “Be Mine,” a captivating bouquet that intertwines the timeless allure of red Ecuadorian roses and the


"Bleue" Bouquet - A Mesmerizing Mix of Serene Blue Blooms Experience the tranquility of "Bleue" - a bouquet featuring a captivating mix of serene blue blooms. Perfect for bringing a calming aura to any occasion or space.

Blue Beauty

The Blue Beauty Bouquet is a stunning arrangement of fresh flowers that combines the serene beauty of blue blooms with the vibrancy of other colorful flowers.

Blue Passion

Indulge in the enchanting allure of “Blue Passion,” a captivating bouquet that celebrates the timeless beauty of blue. This exquisite


Quench the thirst of the soul with our “Hydrate” bouquet, a refreshing ensemble of 33 Ecuadorian roses in soothing light

Ice Queen

Ice Queen is a mesmerizing floral product that showcases the beauty of winter in its cool and crisp design. Featuring a


Unveil the enchanting allure of “Maya,” a breathtaking bouquet featuring 33 roses with captivating blue tips. Each rose is a

Midnight Dream

Midnight Dream is a captivating floral product that exudes a sense of mystery and allure. Its deep, dark hues of purple

Modern Blue

Step into the contemporary elegance of “Modern Blue,” a striking bouquet featuring 19 vibrant blue Ecuadorian roses accented with fragrant

Night Sky

Introducing our enchanting “Night Sky” bouquet, a stunning floral arrangement that captures the essence of a starry night. This exquisite


"Oasis" Bouquet - A Breathtaking Big Bouquet of Blue Flowers Immerse yourself in the beauty of "Oasis" - a big bouquet featuring a captivating mix of mesmerizing blue flowers. Perfect for creating a serene and tranquil haven in any setting.


"Mystique" Bouquet - A Captivating Arrangement of 33 Dark Blue Roses Unleash the allure of "Mystique" - a bouquet featuring 33 captivating dark blue roses. Perfect for adding a touch of mystery and sophistication to any occasion or space.


Embark on a journey of elegance with our “Sapphire” bouquet, an exquisite arrangement featuring deep blue roses paired harmoniously with


Elevate your gifting experience with “Skye,” a mesmerizing bouquet featuring 33 enchanting blue roses. This stunning arrangement is a tribute

Starry Night

"Starry Night" Bouquet - A Captivating Blend of Larkspurs and Sunflowers Experience the enchantment of our "Starry Night" bouquet. Featuring delicate larkspurs and vibrant sunflowers, this captivating arrangement evokes the beauty of a starlit sky. Perfect for gifting on special occasions or to bring a touch of celestial charm to your space.